Technorati Exchange, Boost Rank Technorati

Kali ini saya mencoba membahas sedikit mengenai SEO, yaitu mengenai Ranking Technorati, lalu untuk apa rank technorati? atau adakah pengaruh rank technorati?  Mungkin itulah pertanyaan yang mungkin anda tanyakan.!

Ranking technorati pada dasarnya hampir sama dengan ranking alexa, bagi anda penggemar PTR pasti sudah mengetahui tentang hal ini.

Makin tinggi rank technorati, makin tinggi pula traffic web/blog anda, dan makin besar pula kesempatan anda meningkatkan ranking alexa. Nah apabila pengunjung anda meningkat dari 100 Visitor perhari menjadi 200 Visitor perhari maka, bila anda mengikuti program PTC atau Paid to Click seperti Adsense, Adbrite, Bidvertiser,dll. Kemungkinan iklan yang berada pada web/blog anda untuk di klik pengunjung akan semakin besar.
Lain halnya bila anda mengikuti program PTR seperti Sponsoredreviews, backlinks, teliads, dll. Semakin tinggi rank technorati anda maka dengan sendirinya rank alexa anda juga akan meningkat, dan peluang untuk mendapat job pada program paid to review akan semakin besar pula.

Beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan untuk menaikkan rank technorati aanda adalah sbb:
1. Add my blog to technorati favorites, lalu tinggalkan komentar anda dibawah bila telah menambah blog saya menjadi favorite anda.
2. Buatlah atau copy isi content ini pada blog anda untuk melakukan pertukaran favorite technorati blog.
3. Lalu tinggalkan komentar dibawah, untuk memberitahu pembaca lainnya bahwa anda bersedia melakukan pertukaran favorite technorati blog.
4. Dan jangan lupa Add blog saya pada favorite technorati anda.!!!

Ayo tingkatkan ranking technorati kita sekarang, agar mendapatkan Job Review yang lebih banyak

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Sponsored Reviews Tag

However, not many are making fortunes from this type of blog monetization method because of the various problems that sponsored reviews writing can bring about. Last week, I got my first direct sponsored review request from SEO Meter and the below is the testimonial I received after the review is being published.

Sponsoredreviews or Blog Marketing are some of the words which every bloggers may have heard at least for one time.Every bloggers know what is Sponsored reviews or Blog Marketing.But only some knows about the advantages and chances of them !
I think most of you, my readers, Don't have a correct Idea about sponsored reviews.You may know what is it and why it is for, But you need to study How to use them, how to utilize them and to make some revenue from it.So, Here I am explaining my knowledge and my views about it.


Sponsored review is a new word of advertising, where the advertiser gets maximum benefit and the publisher gets maximum paid.Apart from the normal advertising styles, where the publishers get less revenue and the advertisers gets less traffic/benefits , Sponsored review gives more opportunity for the bloggers to show off their strengths and advertisers to completely advertise there products.

What advantages an advertiser have, if he choses to advertise on blogs ?

When the other advertising forms such as textlink ads and banner ads sucks, Sponsored reviews are very very beneficial for advertisers as the posts [about 250-300 words] are mainly centered upon what they prescribes.You can Promote your products easily through the sponsored reviews.

Instead, spend it for sponsored reviews. Where you get a large area, some quality ads and real visitors. Remember, The bloggers will be blogging for you & you are the client , You needn't want to waste time on creating ads and reviewing yourself. The bloggers will do everything for you. Just reward them what they expects.....!!

Join Sponsored Reviews Now..!!!
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Get Google Index in One Hour

If I read this blog title a while ago, I’m sure I would be thinking the same thing as you! Ok, let’s move on to how to get indexed by Google within one hour.

The secret is quite simple. Almost every site in today’s Internet world uses the social network sharing buttons. On my blog, I include it on every article page. I also include it on the main listing pages underneath my article summary. If you don’t already have one of these on your sites, get one now, just search “Share This” or “Add This” and you will find a ton of web sites that tell you to put a few lines of Javascript code on your web site and it does the rest. Ok, so now you have this button added to your web site? Perfect, I would suggest going to a page on your web site that you think will be the most valuable to other users and submit it to a couple of those sites listed in the button.

If you’re not familiar with how some people accomplish getting their web sites submitted to Google quickly, you are going to absolutely love this article. I’ve bet you’ve heard from many people that it can take days, weeks, even months to get indexed by Google. If you have heard that, you’re now thinking, “OK Jamie, you must have had a really stressful day at work today and you’re now hallucinating that this is possible!”.

I have personally found excellent success with both Digg and Reddit. I launched a web site about 1 or 2 months ago, submitted two links to Digg. I waited about an hour or so and searched Google with keywords that I felt I targeted well and lo and behold there it was, my page was found and indexed with Google. Not only was it found, it was in the top 10!

Don’t just stop here though. Submitting to the above sites will provide you with some quick traffic. It won’t last long if people don’t like your site. Plus, it won’t cause your other pages to be indexed either. It really is just a start.

The next step is to create an XML sitemap of your content. Once you’ve done this, create an account on the Google Webmaster Tools. You will need to add your domain and verify your site before continuing. Once you’ve completed this, add your sitemap that you previously created. Within a few minutes (some times longer), Google will validate your sitemap and queue all of your links to be indexed.

This of course is not a guaranteed solution to be indexed any faster. But Google certainly seems to crawl your sitemap on a regular basis and check the links. It also checks how often your site is updated, the more frequently it is updated, the more frequently Google will crawl your content!

If it’s possible, you should try to perform some kind of daily updates to your site. Ideally if you allow users to comment, hopefully there will be several new comments per day and this will cause your data to be considered new.
I hope you’ve found this article useful. Happy Googling! If you would like more tips and techniques, visit my blog at
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