Tips To Earn Fast With AdBrite...

So you have joined AdBrite? Like ADSENSE... You may be one of those lucky web-masters or bloggers that will immediately start benefiting from the advertising ads shown on your blog or website. Chances are that you may also be one of many who, after joining AdBrite and placing the necessary codes on your website, will earn pennies per day as weeks and months pass them by. Every forum or website you go to, to find an advise on how to monetize on your website via advertisements, you will read that in order to begin earning any good money with advertisements on your website, you will need traffic and lots of it.
i had earned 10 USD just in 4 days and its my start...


There are few things that you can do to improve your chances on earning better income from AdBrite, even if your website does not have much traffic. Basic understanding on how AdBrite works will help you to set a stage for success with advertising.

Placing Your Website in Correct Category and Choosing the Right Keywords

Whenever you create a new AdBrite add zone for your website, you are asked to choose a category to which your website belongs. While this may seam as a simple step, placing your website in a wrong category will affect the kind of adds that will be shown on your website. If your website, for example is about cosmetics and you have chosen for your website a category for websites about pets, the future visitors may wonder why the advertisements for animal products are shown on your website.

You may also consider to use wisely the description field for your website. Many web masters use the description that is exact copy of the description they have used when submitting their websites to other directories and search engines. While this kind of description is OK, you will be better off to you use that option to sell your space. You can, for example mention that all AdBrite advertisements are located above the “fold” on your website. Many advertisers know that adds located above the fold have much better click-through.

After choosing the category, you will be asked to provide two sets of keywords. One- to describe the content and nature of your website. The other- to let advertisers know what they can sell via advertisements on your website. Make sure that each group of keywords are related. This will only compliment the content of your website and most likely improve the click-through of your ads.

The above steps of course are not important should you choose to manually approve each and every add. But if you let AdBrite to approve the adds, they will most likely reflect the keywords you have provided in one of the steps while setting an add zone.

Pricing Your Add Zone.

One of the great features available to AdBrite publishers is that they can choose to set their own prices that will be used in direct purchases. Setting the right price is very important. While you may have an ambition of showing an advertising at $100 per day, this will only work for high trafficked websites. On the other hand setting lower then your competitors may result in poor earnings. With time you will be able to adjust prices after you learn what works and what does not. Having the freedom to set your own prices, you may also use it as an incentive feature. Let say you have set the price at $1 per day. You can offer a discount to those advertisers who will choose to place a weekly rate at $5 or a monthly rate at $20.

Developing Relationships With AdBrite Advertisers.

Since you will be able to manually approve all direct purchases, use this opportunity to build a business relationship with your advertisers. Do not be afraid to ask for their feedback even if they do not repurchase the adds on your website in the future. This feedback will provide you with tips on how to improve your efforts.

Upon approval of specific adds for your website send an e-mail to your advertisers reminding them to install tracking code on their website. If they have done so, send them another e-mail to see whether or not their campaign is performing well.
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Virus Bulu Bebek

Baru - baru ini, sebuah virus mulai menyerang kembali komputer saya. Herannya virus ini seperti variannya brontok, yang mana virus ini bekerja dengan sendirinya melalui file autorun.inf, dan dan file virus itu sendiri. Nama virus ini ialah bulu bebek.

Mengapa saya katakan diatas seperti variannya brontok, karena virus ini sebenarnya tidak menghapus, ataupun merusak data dan document kita, tetapi jenis virus ini menyebabkan sistem kita rusak. Virus ini sendiri hanya terdiri dari 3 file, pertama autorun.inf yang berfungsi menjalankan induk semang virus secara otomatis. Yang kedua adalah file bulubebek.ini yang berfungsi merusak sistem registry windows kita, hingga folder option kita hilang dan regedit serta task manager tidak dapat dibuka. Dan yang terakhir file virus itu sendiri yaitu Script.exe yang terletak di C:/windows/system32 yang berfungsi menggandakan diri secara otomatis dan membuat semua folder kita terhidden serta menjadikan dirinya seperti duplicate folder kita sendiri.

Pertama saya sempat terkejut juga, karena virus ini sama persis bentuk icon foldernya dengan icon folder yang lain, yang membuat saya curiga mengapa saat saya setting view--> detail-->> muncul type file yaitu application. Hueheuhue sekali klik, maka virus langsung jalan dan merusak system. Karena saya merasa virus ini adalah virus buatan indo sendiri, maka virus ini tidak begitu sulit untuk di basmi. Cukup menggunakan dua senjata ampuh pembasmi virus bulubebek, maka virus ini akan segera musnah dan tidak lagi mengganggu komputer kita.

Bila anda ingin memiliki dua senjata ampuh pembasmi virus ini, dapat anda download disini.


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Hotel Reservations

Did you plan to travel to Spain, France, or to Italy? But you do not know where the hotel has complete facilities? You can visit to search for information. After browsing for a few second with, you can find accommodation in Rome, Madrid and Paris. And get about free reservation hotel service on apartment, bed & breakfast other reservations in Italy, especially in Rome. Their customer care service will guide you throughout the reservation process. All city above is beautifully city. Many people go to that city for their holiday. So this service is very useful for us. Their have a complete service likes bed, breakfast, apartment, and many more. is the right place for those who want to book accommodation in Rome Hotels. The Rome accommodation can be booked online by calling their On-line reservation. They offer many hotels, apartment with the best rate in Rome during our trip in this city.

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Word Flood V2.0 - Get Unique Content

Ini baru software namanya... Word Flood V2.0, copy paste artikel orang lain, edit dikit, dan selesai dari masalah copy paste dan lolos dari Copyscape. Nah caranya gimana..??? Yah... gampang kali-lah (bahasa orang medan-red). Huehuheueh caranya copy seluruh artikel milik orang lain dari web/blog manapun, trus masukin ke wordflood, ntar pilih kata2 mana aja yang mau diganti, tapi jangan terlalu banyak keyword yang diganti ya..!! ntar gak relevan lagi isinya...!!!

Ni software udah full version alias crack-warez......
Gak ada lagi yang namanya register first atau day-left. Bagi para blogger seperti saya yah.. tool ini pasti sangat membantu sekali..

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