Backup Your Driver with Driver Magician

Driver Magician is a small software that offers a professional solution to be able to backup your device drivers during the recovery and renewal in the Windows operating system. Driver Magician is able to identify all the hardware on your system, extract all files related to the driver from windows hard disk where you are and you can save it to the location of your choice. Then when you format and reinstall windows or your operating system, you can restore all drivers again with the same driver as magician if you have the original driver diskettes in your hands. This is very efficient when you are afraid of losing your favorite PC drivers.

Driver Magician can perform drivers backup job you should not be your own doing. Until a time will come when you need to reinstall your operating system. Whether the cause was a virus, whether it is a system crash, it can happen and you should be ready for when the situation.

Driver Magician is a program that can help you to make the whole job in repairing your PC. Also driver magician also able to identify drivers of non-Microsoft driver or drivers are not supported by microsoft, like the VGA drivers or soundcard, and also tells you about the latest changes from your driver.Driver magician has now reached version 3.25. If you want to have it you can just download it here.

Driver Magician Part.I
Driver Magician Part.II

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